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Obsessed with Architecture

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Monday, March 21, 2011

My Lifesaver

Check out this site for amazing AutoCad 2D and 3D files.

archinoah.com the architecture portal for architects
archinoah.com the architecture portal for architects

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Respect Yourself -- Author Unknown


I'd rather see you
introduced to the world beyond your door by readin'
Or voicing your pain & frustrations by writin'
Either of those pass-times
Are more productive and enriching
Than just filling your days
With fuckin' or fightin'

I'd rather see you
Walking with a regal stature
Standing out as something different from the throng
And NOT by receiving attention
Because of your, deliberately, visible thong

I'd rather see you
Aiming to break that ubiquitous ceiling of glass
Than bent over in a video
With a credit card run up your @ss

I'd rather see you
With a mate deserving of you
And you of he
By loving and trusting and striving together
The way it should be
And NOT just the co-creator of a baby
Who is so sadly caught in the middle
While the warring parents try to
Figure of the "Woe is me" riddle
Of their lives
Because you both think
"You got Game.

And it's all about how to
Hurt the other
And cast the most blame

I'd rather see you
secure and sure
In and of yourself!
Loving YOU
Knowing YOU
Are deserving of so much more
YOU must believe it
To your very core
That YOU are a QUEEN
Whose majesty is just, yet, unseen
But not for long!
Cuz you've got it right
And "they've" got it wrong!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

what will people think, when they hear that Im a jesus freak?

I remember way back when I was in elementary school about 1992. There was this place called Realife ministries, but we called it night church. Once a week at 6-7pm the college students from Indiana Wesleyan University, would host singing, playtime, snack, and a bible study for young kids once a week. We knew about it because it was across the street from my grandmas house. It was awesome, because outside of this we would also go to different attractions, like water parks, sleepovers, discovery zone, etc. Well on these rides we would listen to music and I remember that this song was big back then. My sister loved it. I'm just remembering this, so I went to look for the lyrics. I LOVE the lyrics, but I'm not to fond of the sound. haha
[what will people think
When they hear that Im a jesus freak?
What will people do
When they find thats its true? ]

Separated, I cut myself clean
From a past that comes back in my darkest of dreams
Been apprehended by a spiritual force
And a grace that replaced all the me Ive divorced

I saw a man with tat on his big fat belly
It wiggled around like marmalade jelly
It took me a while to catch what it said
Cause I had to match the rhythm
Of his belly with my head
jesus saves is what it raved in a typical tattoo green
He stood on a box in the middle of the city
And claimed he had a dream

What will people think
When they hear that Im a jesus freak
What will people do when they find that its true
I dont really care if they label me a jesus freak
There aint no disguising the truth

Kamikaze, my death is gain
Ive been marked by my maker
A peculiar display
The high and lofty, they see me as weak
Cause I wont live and die for the power they seek

There was a man from the desert with naps in his head
The sand that he walked was also his bed
The words that he spoke made the people assume
There wasnt too much left in the upper room
With skins on his back and hair on his face
They thought he was strange by the locusts he ate
The pharisees tripped when they heard him speak
Until the king took the head of this jesus freak

(repeat chorus 2x)

People say Im strange, does it make me a stranger
That my best friend was born in a manger
People say Im strange, does it make me a stranger
That my best friend was born in a manger

(repeat chorus 2x)

What will people think
[what will people think]
What will people do
[what will people do]
I dont really care
[what else can I say]
There aint no disguising the truth
[jesus is the way]

Monday, April 21, 2008

They gave my daughter the wrong immunizations...

Yup you heard right, they gave my daughter the four shots that my son was supposed to receive, and for my son, the one shot that my daughter was supposed to receive.
How did this happen you ask?!
Well My kids doctor told me that Cece was to get one, and JJ(Justin) four. The nurse came and and said Cece has to get four shots and I told her "no, I thought Cece is only supposed to get one" and she says "no, it says four here." So I thought that the doctor changed it or something. The next visit two weeks later the doctor was upset to hear that JJ only got one shot when he should have gotten four. She seemed pretty upset and left to talk to someone. When she came back she said Justin will just get the four he should of gotten two weeks ago.
You see Justin was going to get four shots 3/26 and one shot 4/16. So he got all the ones that he was supposed to get but Cece on the other hand got four extra shots that she shouldn't get until kindergarten, and didn't get the one that she was needing.
Whew does that make sense?
Well we came to the doctors office to get the one shot that Cece was supposed to get way back when and the nurse was very rude to us. Which made me upset, and my husband even said he thought she was being very rude as well. Now guys, the first thing I thought was I need to get out of here before I snap. Because when I do, it ain't gonna be pretty. So I took some time to cool down and called back. She had no right to disrespect us and even though I had some time to cool down I was still very upset ya know. My husband thought that since they screwed up my daughters shots, that maybe she got yelled at, or the person that did it got fired or whatever, but that's it I had nothing to do with them fucking up, so you can imagine my frustration right?! Has anyone ever been in this situation before? Was I wrong to get pissed off and voice my opinions to her?! I was upset about the immunizations and the attitude of this lady just sends me over the edge. I wanted to just change offices, but then I don't so that each time I come in contact with her I want to give her a piece of my mind LoL Vindictive ugh
F.Y.I. The doctor apoligized alot about the immunization mix up and said that Cece should be fine. They won't charge us for her kindergarten shots since they already billed our insurance and all. You know me, I had to get a second opinion. My babygirl will be fine.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ugh, it's just been one of those days...

It's Saturday night, and I'm sitting in front of the computer eating Baldwin Cookies in cream.
Sad huh?!
Ugh Today was not my day. I had so many things planned and all of my plans went awry. I'm the type of person who likes a list...an itinerary sort of thing, even if it's just in my head. I am not spontaneous whatsoever, but i used to be way back when. Justin has helped me to not take myself so seriously ya know. My children went to sleep without a fuss, or fighting each other which is a HUGE accomplishment in my book.
Ugh it's just been one of those days...
Until next time...